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Please enjoy these Quotes about Comes and Friendship from my collection of Friendship quotes.
Every child comes with the message
that God is not yet discouraged of man.
- Rabindranath Tagore
Related topics: Inspirational Spiritual Live-By Family Relationship
Sometimes new love comes between old friends.
Sometimes the best love was the one that was always there.
- Anonymous
If you love something, set it free;
if it comes back it's yours,
if it doesn't, it never was.
- Richard Bach
Impart as much as you can of your spiritual being
to those who are on the road with you,
and accept as something precious
what comes back to you from them.
- Albert Schweitzer
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- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand,
nor the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship;
it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one
when he discovers that someone else believes in him
and is willing to trust him with his friendship.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Happiness is not something ready made.
It comes from your own actions.
- Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama
Weariness comes, on some days, from lack of service to self.
- Mary Anne Radmacher
We listen. We listen. We move.
We sit. It rains. The sun comes out.
(there stands a friend)
We listen. We laugh. We share.
We sit. We dance. It rains.
There stands a friend.
We listen. We share. We sit. We dance.
The sun comes up.
There. I stand, a friend.
- Mary Anne Radmacher
Offense comes not from the mouth, but from the ear.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Good judgement comes from experience.
Experience comes from bad judgement.
- Jim Horning
All unhappiness comes from either
having less than yesterday,
or from having less than one's neighbor.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Life comes from the earth and life returns to the earth.
- Zhuangzi
Life in abundance comes only through great love.
- Elbert Hubbard
The most interesting information comes from children,
for they tell all they know and then stop.
- Mark Twain
If there ever comes a day when we can't be together,
keep me in your heart, I'll stay there forever.
- A. A. Milne (Winnie-The-Pooh)
The man with insight enough to admit his limitations
comes nearest to perfection.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Moral authority is never retained by
any attempt to hold on to it.
It comes without seeking and
is retained without effort.
- Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi
Above all, don't lie to yourself.
The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie
comes to a point that he cannot
distinguish the truth within him, or around him,
and so loses all respect for himself and for others.
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky
When life offers you a dream so far
beyond any of your expectations,
it's not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end.
- Bella, from Twilight saga by Stephenie Meyer
From caring comes courage.
- Lao Tzu
With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
I never think of the future - it comes soon enough.
- Albert Einstein
Be clear that expectations are demands.
Demanding that life turn out the way we prefer
is a sure path to disappointment and suffering.
Happiness lies in having no expectations,
and accepting life as it comes.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Make the most of your regrets;
never smother your sorrow,
but tend and cherish it till it comes to have
a separate and integral interest.
To regret deeply is to live afresh.
- Henry David Thoreau
Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love.
The real miracle is the love that inspires them.
In this sense everything that comes from love is a miracle.
- A Course in Miracles
Play to win, but be a good loser.
Have a plan for your life,
but accept whatever comes your way
with grace and gratitude.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being.
With freedom comes responsibility.
For the person who is unwilling to grow up,
the person who does not want to carry is own weight,
this is a frightening prospect.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Most unhappiness comes from resisting life.
Occasionally, you have such a strong commitment
to changing the world order that it is worth
struggling against the flow of life.
But don't live your life as if each minor happening
were a matter of life and death.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Confidence comes not from always being right
but from not fearing to be wrong.
- Peter T. Mcintyre
You must accept the truth from whatever source it comes.
- Maimonides
Uncertainty that comes from knowledge
(knowing what you don't know)
is different from uncertainty coming from ignorance.
- Isaac Asimov
Strength does not come from physical capacity.
It comes from an indomitable will.
- Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi
Everything comes to us that belongs to us
if we create the capacity to receive it.
- Rabindranath Tagore
Pride comes in two flavors -
choose honor, not ego.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Ones best success comes after their greatest disappointments.
- Henry Ward Beecher
Wealth, like happiness, is never attained when sought after directly.
It comes as a by-product of providing a useful service.
- Henry Ford
No good comes from hurrying.
- Yiddish Proverb
There comes a time when the mind
takes a higher plane of knowledge
but can never prove how it got there.
- Albert Einstein
Happiness comes from a conscious choice to live life joyfully.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.
- Vince Lombardi
What I know for sure is that
what you give comes back to you.
- Oprah Winfrey
The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready
for his opportunity when it comes.
- Benjamin Disraeli
What if happiness were found in the serenity of simple pleasures.
What if we didn't need the newest gizmo... the highest high?
What if happiness is in the air we breathe...
slowly, deeply, and consciously?
What if happiness is one fresh grape, savored with gratitude?
What if happiness is in our oneness with all creation?
What if happiness is about enjoying life exactly as it comes to us -
without chasing after it?
What if happiness is something we CHOOSE...
regardless of our circumstances?
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Insult comes not from the mouth,
but from the ear.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
It all comes to this:
the simplest way to be happy is to do good.
- Helen Keller
You can not find happiness by chasing after it.
Happiness comes from doing what you love to do,
and from being who you truly are.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Pride comes in two flavors -
be careful which you choose -
choose honor, not ego.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Love comes to those who still hope
even though they've been disappointed,
to those who still believe
even though they've been betrayed,
to those who still love
even though they've been hurt before.
- Anonymous
For those who are bored with life,
the path to happiness almost always comes
through service to the less-fortunate.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
With manners comes insincerity.
Truth is sometimes difficult.
- Bono
Improve what you can
and accept all the rest of life
just as it comes.
Know that fear is your worst enemy -
perhaps your only enemy.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Envy comes from people's ignorance of,
or lack of belief in, their own gifts.
- Jean Vanier
One of the sanest, surest, and most generous joys of life
comes from being happy over the good fortune of others.
- Robert A. Heinlein
The best thing about the future is
that it comes one day at a time.
- Abraham Lincoln
Change comes from within.
- Anonymous
There comes that mysterious meeting in life
when someone acknowledges who we are and what we can be,
igniting the circuits of our highest potential.
- Rusty Berkus
All the suffering, stress, and addiction
comes from not realizing you already are what you are looking for.
- Jon Kabat-Zinn
You have to accept whatever comes
and the only important thing is that you meet it with courage
and with the best that you have to give.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
What you are comes to you.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
The opportunity for greater courage
comes in the most ordinary of moments.
- Mary Anne Radmacher
Any change that comes about in your life
will be primarily because of your own efforts.
- Jon Kabat-Zinn
Faith is the highest passion in a human being.
Many in every generation may not come that far, but none comes further.
- Soren Kierkegaard
True love comes quietly,
without banners or flashing lights.
If you hear bells, get your ears checked.
- Erich Segal
Life is magnificent - just as it comes.
Life has no need for fancy clothes, or lipstick.
Life is no pig.
Our life is the greatest gift of all creation.
When we are unhappy with life -
when we are shocked by the stock market,
or dismayed by our choice of political candidates,
let us not lash out in anger.
But also, let us not try to pretty up life
with some lipstick and some party clothes.
See life clearly - no rose colored glasses -
and then CHOOSE to love life.
CHOOSE to be happy, be joyful, be grateful,
be forgiving of everyone and of every act
we believe has hurt us.
Life just "IS."
We get to CHOOSE our relationship with life.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Forgive and give as if it were your last opportunity.
Love like there's no tomorrow, and if tomorrow comes, love again.
- Max Lucado
If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?
- Percy Bysshe Shelley
Success usually comes to those
who are too busy to be looking for it.
- Henry David Thoreau
Our Joy comes from living our own lives simply -
never from demanding that others live simply -
or from ever making any demands whatsoever upon others.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Success comes from knowing that
you did your best to become the best
that you are capable of becoming.
- John Wooden
Do your best, and always accept life as it comes.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
I do my best and accept life as it comes.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
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Jonathan Lockwood Huie
"The Philosopher of Happiness" - is the author of 100 Secrets for Living a Life You Love, co-author of Simply An Inspired Life, speaker, personal coach, and creator of the popular Daily Inspiration - Daily Quote free email.>
All materials & writings are copyright © Jonathan Lockwood Huie, except for quotes and other specifically identified material which belong to their respective copyright holders if applicable.