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Life in abundance comes only through great love.
- Elbert Hubbard
Related topics: Life Human-Nature Psychology Love
Friendship, like credit, is highest when it is not used.
- Elbert Hubbard
A friend is someone who knows all about you,
and loves you just the same.
- Elbert Hubbard
Your friend is the man who knows all about you,
and still likes you.
- Elbert Hubbard
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Thank You,
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men.
No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man.
- Elbert Hubbard
Our desires always disappoint us;
for though we meet with something that gives us satisfaction,
yet it never thoroughly answers our expectation.
- Elbert Hubbard
The greatest mistake you can make in life
is to be continually fearing you will make one.
- Elbert Hubbard
If you have health, you probably will be happy,
and if you have health and happiness,
you have all the wealth you need, even if it is not all you want.
- Elbert Hubbard
A little more persistence,
a little more effort, and
what seemed hopeless failure
may turn to glorious success.
- Elbert Hubbard
To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.
- Elbert Hubbard
Do not take life too seriously.
You will never get out of it alive.
- Elbert Hubbard
Genius may have its limitations,
but stupidity is not thus handicapped.
- Elbert Hubbard
The sculptor produces the beautiful statue
by chipping away such parts of the marble block as are not needed -
it is a process of elimination.
- Elbert Hubbard
If you can not answer a man's argument,
all is not lost; you can still call him vile names.
- Elbert Hubbard
Dignity is a mask we wear to hide our ignorance.
- Elbert Hubbard
Life is just one damned thing after another.
- Elbert Hubbard (Philistine - A Periodical of Protest, 1896)
A conservative is a man who is
too cowardly to fight and too fat to run.
- Elbert Hubbard
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,
but by the moments that take our breath away.
- Anonymous
Life is a sum of all your choices.
- Albert Camus
Life is partly what we make it,
and partly what it is made by the friends we choose.
- Tehyi Hsieh
Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.
- Anais Nin
Recognize that "suffering is optional," and develop daily habits
that support living a joyful and productive life.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Life will not meet your expectations -
choose joy anyway.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
The unselfish effort to bring cheer to others
will be the beginning of a happier life for ourselves.
- Helen Keller
Satisfaction of one's curiosity
is one of the greatest sources of happiness in life.
- Linus Pauling
To live a creative life
we must lose our fear of being wrong.
- Joseph Chilton Pearce
There is only one happiness in life: to love and to be loved.
- George Sand
Okay, so it's a matter of life and death - now are you happy?
Urgency is never a path to joy.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Life is lived in the waiting.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
A life, deeply rooted, lives and grows in memory.
- Mary Anne Radmacher
Life is pretty simple:
You do some stuff.
Most fails. Some works.
You do more of what works.
- Leonardo da Vinci
Life is all in our Perspective.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Life is a process of becoming,
a combination of states we have to go through.
Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state
and remain in it. This is a kind of death.
- Anais Nin
Life is a balance between rest and movement.
- Osho
Life is NOT a constant emergency.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
We all go through life bristling
at our external limitations,
but the most difficult chains
to break are inside us.
- Bradley Whitford
Life - for most people - is their past projected large
onto the movie screen of their future.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Choose your life's mate carefully.
From this one decision will come
90 percent of all your happiness or misery.
- H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.
- John Lennon
Life doesn't step on your toes when you Dance Lightly.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Laugh, and the world laughs with you;
Weep, and you weep alone;
For the sad old earth must borrow its mirth,
But has trouble enough of its own.
- Ella Wheeler Wilcox
The simplification of life is one of the steps to inner peace.
A persistent simplification will create an inner and outer well-being
that places harmony in one's life.
- Peace Pilgrim
Take time to play!
Ask for what you want.
Live loudly.
Be avid.
Learn a new thing.
Be Yourself!
- Mary Anne Radmacher
Every human life contains a potential,
if that potential is not fulfilled,
then that life was wasted...
- Carl Jung
Life is a gift, and I try to respond with grace and courtesy.
- Maya Angelou
A life is not important except in
the impact it has on other lives.
- Jackie Robinson (baseball player)
Life is given to us, we earn it by giving it.
- Rabindranath Tagore
Life is a series of experiences,
each one of which makes us bigger,
even though sometimes it is hard to realize this.
- Henry Ford
Life only appears complicated when one is worrying.
Relax, and life becomes simple again.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Life is all in the perspective we take on it.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
I believe that a simple and unassuming manner of life
is best for everyone, best both for the body and the mind.
- Albert Einstein
No man is a failure who enjoys life.
- William Feather
Our life is frittered away by detail... simplify, simplify.
- Henry David Thoreau
Life is greater than you have ever known it.
- Ernest Holmes
The goal of life is
to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe,
to match your nature with Nature.
- Joseph Campbell
Life must be lived as play.
- Plato
The longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes.
- Frank Lloyd Wright
It is not length of life, but depth of life.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Life is now.
There was never a time when your life was not now,
nor will there ever be.
- Eckhart Tolle
Life is in our point-of-view.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Life only
appears to be
rushing toward us
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Joy blooms where minds and hearts are open.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Life comes from the earth and life returns to the earth.
- Zhuangzi
Whatever your life's work is, do it well.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
One is taught by experience to put a premium
on those few people who can appreciate you for what you are.
- Gail Godwin
Life becomes harder for us when we live for others,
but it also becomes richer and happier.
- Albert Schweitzer
Life is like dancing.
If we have a big floor, many people will dance.
Some will get angry when the rhythm changes.
But life is changing all the time.
- don Miguel Ruiz
Our life is composed greatly from dreams, from the unconscious,
and they must be brought into connection with action.
They must be woven together.
- Anais Nin
It's a funny thing about life;
if you refuse to accept anything but the best,
you very often get it.
- W. Somerset Maugham
Life is a mask through which the universe expresses itself.
- Frank Herbert
You can never really live anyone else's life,
not even your child's.
The influence you exert is through your own life,
and what you've become yourself.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
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Jonathan Lockwood Huie
"The Philosopher of Happiness" - is the author of 100 Secrets for Living a Life You Love, co-author of Simply An Inspired Life, speaker, personal coach, and creator of the popular Daily Inspiration - Daily Quote free email.>
All materials & writings are copyright © Jonathan Lockwood Huie, except for quotes and other specifically identified material which belong to their respective copyright holders if applicable.